Symantec is the trusted provider of Internet infrastructure services for the networked world. Billions of times each day, Symantec's SSL certificates, identity and authentication, allow companies and consumers all over the world to engage in trusted communications and commerce.
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When the verification process for issuing a certificate is more rigorous, the trust level conferred by the certificate is also higher, which will make your web site's visitor more likely to trust you and your web site. EV certificates, for example, offer the highest trust level and also allow you to display a dynamic seal on your web site.
While all certificates display a security padlock in the browser, you can also choose to add a site seal to your site to further demonstrate that your site is secure. A site seal is a small image that contains information about your SSL certificate. Static site seals are images that do not change; they are identical for anyone purchasing a certificate. Dynamic seals actually show your company's name, address, and date, making them even more trustworthy.
All SSL certificates hosted with Wirecities Web Hosting require dedicated IP addresses, sold separately at a cost of 29,95$ per year. Please note that we cannot install an SSL certificate on a site that does not currently have a dedicated IP address. Moving a site to a dedicated IP address may cause several hours of downtime will the information is propagated across the networks of the Internet.
We understand the Internet is a complex and sometimes confusing place, so our experienced bilingual staff is here to help! We pride ourselves on our excellent customer support, so contact one of our experts by phone (toll-free), email, or online trouble tickets. We make answering all inquiries our top priority and, unlike our competitors, actually answer phone calls within a couple of rings! We also have technicians on hand 24/7 to handle server emergencies if ever a serious problem were to arise.